Thursday, November 7, 2019

Learning Task Seven Example

Learning Task Seven Example Learning Task Seven – Coursework Example number 01 May Learning Task #7 The twenty-first century is an era of information, the intensified exchangeof which has become possible due to the Industrial revolution and introduction of new technologies. The modern-day society has to adjust itself to new challenges. In order to be in picture of the intensified process of information exchange one must be able to adequately analyze and foresee the tendencies of human activities at large. In this short essay I will try to explain how I, as a student, might use information to help educate students in my community in order to acquire and appreciation of humanities. The social order in Great Britain was transformed by the industrial revolution having introduced the new patterns of class behavior worldwide (Matthews, Noble, and DeWitt ch. 18). The French Revolution and the American Revolutionary War have changed the face of the world dramatically. Although these events were followed by certain reactionary attempts of some governments in a number of powerful European countries reverse the course of history in the middle of the nineteenth century, the changes in the collective mind of Western civilization proved to be nonreversible. By the end of the nineteenth century the communication of ideas became much easier for all members of Western societies regardless the social class affiliation. The industrial and post-industrial era turned the whole world into a so-called big village, where cross-cultural interaction intensified drastically. Without the ability to study our cultural legacy with critical and analytical mind within the framework of humanities it is impossible to understand what challenges the next generations will face.Work CitedMatthews, Roy, Thomas Noble, and Platt DeWitt. Experience Humanities. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2013. Kindle Edition.

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