Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Examining the Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing

Like many issues in public education, standardized testing can be a controversial topic among parents, teachers, and voters. Many people say standardized testing provides an accurate measurement of student performance and teacher effectiveness. Others say such a one-size-fits-all approach to assessing academic achievement can be inflexible or even biased. Regardless of the diversity of opinion, there are some common arguments for and against standardized testing in the classroom. Standardized Testing Pros Proponents of standardized testing say that it is the best means of comparing data from a diverse population, allowing educators to digest large amounts of information quickly. They argue that: Its accountable.  Probably the greatest benefit of standardized testing is that educators and schools are responsible for teaching students what they are required to know for these standardized tests. This is mostly because these scores become public record, and teachers and schools that don’t perform up to par can come under intense examination. This scrutiny can lead to the loss of jobs. In some cases, a school can be closed or taken over by the state. Its analytical.  Without standardized testing, this comparison would not be possible. Public school students in Texas, for example, are required to take standardized tests, allowing test data from Amarillo to be compared to scores in Dallas. Being able to accurately analyze data is a primary reason that many states have adopted the Common Core state standards. Its structured.  Standardized testing is accompanied by a set of established standards or an instructional framework to guide classroom learning and test preparation. This incremental approach creates benchmarks to measure student progress over time. Its objective.  Standardized tests are often scored by computers or by people who do not directly know the student to remove the chance that bias would affect the scoring. Tests are also developed by experts, and each question undergoes an intense process to ensure its validity—that it properly assesses the content—and its reliability, which means that the question tests consistently over time. Its granular.  The data generated by testing can be organized according to established criteria or factors, such as ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and special needs. This approach provides schools with data to develop targeted programs and services for improving student performance. Standardized Testing Cons Opponents of standardized testing say educators have become too fixated on scores and preparing for these exams. Some of the most common arguments against testing are: Its inflexible.  Some students may excel in the classroom yet not perform well on a standardized test because theyre unfamiliar with the format or develop test anxiety. Family strife, mental and physical health issues, and language barriers can all affect a students test score. But standardized tests dont allow personal factors to be taken into consideration. Its a waste of time.  Standardized testing causes many teachers to teach to the tests, meaning they only spend instructional time on material that will appear on the test. Opponents say this practice lacks creativity and can hinder a student’s overall learning potential. It cant measure true progress.  Standardized testing only evaluates one-time performance instead of a students progress and proficiency over time. Many would argue that teacher and student performance should be evaluated for growth over the course of the year instead of one single test. Its stressful.  Teachers and students alike feel test stress. For educators, poor student performance may result in a loss of funding and teachers being fired. For students, a bad test score may mean missing out on admission to the college of their choice or even being held back. In Oklahoma, for example, high school students  must pass four standardized tests  in order to graduate, regardless of their GPA. (The state gives seven standardized  end-of-instruction (EOI) exams in Algebra I, Algebra II, English II, English III, Biology I, geometry and U.S. history. Students  who fail to pass at least four of these exams  can’t get a high school diploma.) Its political.  With public and charter schools both competing for the same public funds, politicians and educators have come to rely even more on standardized test scores. Some opponents of testing argue that low-performing schools are unfairly targeted by politicians who use academic performance as an excuse to further their own agendas.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Compare and contrast Ben Jonson’s ‘The Alchemist’ and...

The study will encompass the compare and contrast of two great writers’ literary works. It will take comprehensive discussion on â€Å"Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist† and â€Å"William Shakespeare’s The Tempest†. Jonson and Shakespeare were contemporaries with more immediately recognizable common ground between them than difference. They shared the same profession and brought forth their works from the matrix of common intellectual property. They appealed to the same audience and both gained popularity and esteem as accomplished playwrights. At the more social level, they were both struggling artists conscious of the need for patronage and support from their wealthier and more powerful peers. Both Jonson and Shakespeare experienced the trials and†¦show more content†¦The distinction between I and him is emphasized by Jonsons assertion of an answer to Shakespeares way of doing things. The quest for self-knowledge has been integral to the structures and evolution of human society throughout history. During the early modem period, the classical maxim of nosce teipsum operated almost universally, not only as a prompt towards, but also as a goal of, both individual and communal achievement and actualization. At one level, Hamlets tribute may be taken as an adumbration of the Renaissance engagement with the epistemological enquiries into the nature of man, and his place and function in the cosmic chain of being. â€Å"What a piece of work is a man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals. And yet to me what is this quintessence of dust?† Jonson explicitly bases their sense of the play’s similarity upon theories of comedy that imply such affirmation. In Volpone and The Alchemist, Jonson sues irony to expose how far short of the ideal is the world of the play, and thus celebrates the ideal indirectly. If the

Monday, December 9, 2019

Parenting Styles Authoritative free essay sample

Using observation, parental interviews and other  research methods, she identified four important dimensions of parenting: disciplinary strategies, warmth and nurturance, communication styles, and expectations of maturity and control,† (Cherry, 2012, para. 2). From these dimensions, researchers were able to conclude that most parents display one of four parenting styles. These styles are authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved, and authoritative. Each one of these styles has their positive side but authoritative is the most effective form of parenting. Parents will raise their child under these styles not knowing that they are also impacting the way their child will conduct themselves as an adult. The first of the four parenting styles is authoritarian parenting. This style of parent is known to have strict rules and expectations. The parent does not express much warmth or nurturing which was one of the four dimensions. The authoritarian does not give the child choices and utilizes punishments with little to no explanation. We will write a custom essay sample on Parenting Styles: Authoritative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Monday, December 2, 2019

Integration of Faith and Social Works Essay Example Essay Example

Integration of Faith and Social Works Essay Example Paper Integration of Faith and Social Works Essay Introduction Social workers are group of people who involve themselves with social problems, their causes, their solutions and most especially their impact to humanity. They based their actions on social justice and human rights, and consider human factors like physical, emotional, physiological, social and spiritual aspects.Today, there is an increase in the number of social workers that based their purpose on their faith in God. They based their work on their own experiences, when their faith was tested and spiritual intervention. There are also social workers that based their purpose in the Bible’s teachings-which is to lend and extend a hand to needy persons.Why is there a person or group of persons that based their social works on their faith in God? Can faith and social works be combined as one? Finally, how can faith and social works be integrated to understand fully the purpose of their social acts?Principles of HelpingFrom the Bible, there are many verses that emphasize goodness, kindness, righteousness, morality and justice. According to the Bible, God is the Creator, Savior and Provider of all the needs of people on earth. The main medium for the purpose of the Provider for providing all the necessities of the people is the church. Also, many believe that the government can no longer resolve some social problems like poverty. They believe that the church has a big responsibility in resolving the said social issue (Watkins, 1996b).The principle of helping was based on some literature. The most popular literature is the Bible. Almost all the teachings in the Bible emphasize goodness and the principle of helping, like the popular story of the Good Samaritan. In the story, the Samaritan had extended a helping hand to a Jew though the two are considered enemies. Example of the verses that highlighted social works is from Galatians 6:2. The verse suggests that the act of bearing the burden and suffering of other person is the Law of Christ (The Bible). From the verse, people who has great faith in God and who do social work will be motivated to help other people. Another verse from the Bible that supports the first verse was from Ezekiel 16:49 which state that people who do not pity others nor help other people in need will commit a sin. From observation, a person who has a strong belief in God will follow the teaching of the Bible so as not to commit sins. The teachings from the Bible is a strong and efficient medium in strengthening the beliefs and faith of other people and also has high percentage why such people perform social works or acts (The Bible).Another verse is from Luke 10:27 which remind the responsibility of human beings to help those in need. The verse from the Bible can be reiterated as â€Å"forced kindness deserves no thanks, willingness to serve does not wait until it is asked for†. The phrase can be converted in to one word which is initiative. God wants us to have the initiative to help other people. God wanted to say to the people that sacrifice must come from our hearts to be able to help other people. Serving other people is one of God’s plans (The Bible).Social issues and povertyA survey was conducted by The Barna Group to determine the poverty condition of United States and also to determine the point of view on poverty of the citizens of the said country. From the survey, it revealed that approximately 75% of the total citizens of the country believes that poverty is a serious problem while 20% of the population said that poverty is the most alarming social issue facing the country. Part of the survey showed who is responsible in the poverty issue. An estimate of 4% believed that the responsibility is in the hands of the church (The Barna Group Ltd. 2007).Surprisingly, Barna showed from his survey that Americans who are devoted to God did not manage to respond to the poverty issue of the country. The survey surprised Barna because he believes that the sectors of the society w ho will take the first response to the social issue are the people who are engaged in church activities and indoctrination. The recommendation of Barna to the people who are devoted to God but somewhat has no attachment on the social issues is to have a hands-on in taking care of the poor. According to Barna, in this way the people who are engaged to God and to the teaching of the Bible will be awakened on the true situation of the country and also to apply their beliefs (The Barna Group Ltd. 2007).Faith and Social WorksIn the 1937 presidential inaugural address, President Roosevelt gave some reminders on the people of the country on the responsibility of each citizen to take the first step in responding to the people who are less fortunate. He also said that this action will help in the progress of the country. Given the discussion above, it can be observed that the speech of Roosevelt regarding responsibility of the citizens of the United States in taking part on the progress of t he country was based on the teachings and moral principles of the Bible (Watkins, 1996a).A good example of an integration of faith in God and social works is the life of Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa committed her entire life in serving the needy people, helping the sick, poor, and orphaned people. Mother Teresa’s social and charity works was based in India. She was introduced to missionary work early in life. The environment where Mother Teresa grew made her aware on the social issues in other places. Stories about charity works of the missionaries amazed her. At early stages, because of the teachings of the missionary to her, she decided to commit herself in giving and lending hand to others who are in need of help. When Mother Teresa was involved in social welfare acts in India, there was a time that spiritual intervention occurred. She called this the â€Å"call within the call† (Spink, 1997). This was the time when she decided to have a fulltime commitment in servi ng the needy people in India. Her faith in God pushes her to do goodwill acts to people who are hungry, naked, homeless, crippled, blind, lepers, and all those people who feel unwanted. Mother Teresa wrote in her diary that her faith in the Creator served as her guidance in doing social welfare acts (Spink, 1997).â€Å"Our Lord wants me to be a free nun covered with the poverty of the cross. Today I learned a good lesson. The poverty of the poor must be so hard for them. While looking for a home I walked and walked till my arms and legs ached. I thought how much they must ache in body and soul, looking for a home, food and health. Then the comfort of Loreto [her former order] came to tempt me. ‘You have only to say the word and all that will be yours again,’ the Tempter kept on saying . Of free choice, my God, and out of love for you, I desire to remain and do whatever be your Holy will in my regard. I did not let a single tear come.†Many studies have been conduc ted to determine the relation of faith and social works. These studies determined how faith in God affected the social acts of some people. According to Smith (2007), his study showed that there is an increasing number of social workers in the United States. Also, the study suggests that faith-based social workers are more effective in dealing with social issues in the society. The response of the faith-based social workers when dealing on the problems of the society like social and health care service is more efficient compared to the services given by the government. The main reason behind the better performance of the faith-based social workers is the commitment of the said organization in performing their duty to help others who are in need. Moreover, the study of Smith will try to understand and connect the role of faith in God of individuals and the social works (Smith, 2007).Because of the teachings from the Bible, some tend to respond to the social issues by making social wo rks to the needy people that is guided by the teachings in the Bible. People who chose this path were driven by their faith in God, thus following the lessons and teachings of the Bible. They believe that doing social works based in the sole purpose of the Bible will satisfy their minds and hearts.Ethical CodesThere is an association composed of social workers that is responsible for helping those in need. The association is known as National Association of Social Workers or NASW. NASW based their principles, preamble and code of ethics on the social justice and human rights. The association’s code of ethics serves as a guide in performing professional social welfare acts. Sets of standards must be met by the practitioners to follow the purpose of the NASW. This serves as guide in decision making when performing their tasks as social workers. The ethical standards of NASW as well as the purpose were based on the teaching of God and the Bible which is to extend hands to those in need (Workers, 2007).Known to be the biggest in the world, the NASW is an organization of professional social workers aiming to strengthen and unify the social work profession, promote its development, and advance sound social policies. NASW has 56 chapters with 160,000 members all over the United States, Puerto Rico, and abroad.Though faith and social works can be integrated and produce effective result in performing social welfare works, there are also drawbacks but not considered as danger when integrating the two concepts. Though the people who will perform the social welfare acts are engaged in God and believes in the teaching of the Bible and other religious books, there is still a chance that the person or group of persons that will do the said act will not perform well. There is a chance that temptation will occur. Take in the case of stealing the source of funds of the group. In performing social welfare activities, funds are needed to be utilized in performing the activ ities in social works. The person who is in charge of the monetary aspect may be tempted to steal the funds of the group.ConclusionThe paper tries to connect and integrate the faith in God and the social welfare acts. The paper examines why there are such people doing charitable works who does not expect anything in return.From the discussion above, the main fuel why there are such people or group of people that do social welfare acts is their faith in God. People have faith and belief in the Bible, church and God will tend to follow the teachings of the said religion. This is because of their faith which is the main fuel that turns them to help the needy persons. They follow the teachings of the Bible because they believe and adhere on the purpose and plan of God to humanity which is to save those people who need help. The Bible said that God is concerned with humanity. Those who believe in God do as well.The effectiveness of the faith-based social workers was also analyzed. From t he study, it was concluded that faith-based social workers are more effective in performing social acts to the society. This is because there is no social intervention in performing the said acts. It has a nature of pure intention. The social welfare acts are based on the teaching of God thus goodness kindness, righteousness, morality and justice prevails. Teachings of the Bible, as well as the other religious books, and faith can move mountains in concern with social welfare works. Integration of Faith and Social Works Essay Thank you for reading this Sample!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Introduction Of The Care Quality Commission Social Work Essays

Introduction Of The Care Quality Commission Social Work Essays Introduction Of The Care Quality Commission Social Work Essay Introduction Of The Care Quality Commission Social Work Essay The debut of the Care Quality Commission arguably fixesA that which was non broken.A Editorial The Trials of Marriage, The Guardian, Wednesday 1st AprilA 2009.A The CQC came into being on 1st April 2009. See the intendedA function of the CQC and measure this statement in visible radiation of the experiencesA of the first full twelvemonth of the CQC s being. We need to see tougher action by the committee on hapless suppliers. The committee can enforce or vary conditions where older people may be at hazard. It can call off the enrollment if that is the lone manner to guarantee safety. Areas highlighted as needing pressing attending include record-keeping, medicine, attention programs and staff supervising. Operating as from April 1st 2009 the Care Quality Commission ( CQC ) takes over from the function of the former Commission for Social Care Inspection ( CSCI ) as the enrollment and ordinance organic structure for societal attention in England, every bit good as executing the maps of the former Healthcare Commission and the Mental Health Act Commission. The CQC requires all wellness and grownup societal attention suppliers to register their regulated activities. Regulated activities that require enrollment are declared in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 ( Regulated Activities ) Regulations 2009, Pt II, s 3 ( 1 ) . The intended function of the CQC is to do the general criterion of attention better, nevertheless concerns have been raised about the hapless quality of wellness attention for the aged as about one one-fourth of places for older people provide unequal attention. The CQC has done a batch of beguiling in its first twelvemonth of being which confirms the statement that it arguably holes that which was non broken . First, its staff have had to make an administration from the amalgamation of the Commission for Social Care Inspection, the Healthcare Commission and the Mental Health Act Commission. In add-on, it has had to go on its predecessors maps in measuring grownup societal attention proviso, measuring wellness services and supervising the intervention of detained mental wellness patients. There are several wellness attention regulators viz. the Care Quality Commission ( CQG ) , the Health Protection Agency ( HPA ) , the Human Tissue Authority ( HTA ) , the Medicines and Healthcare merchandises Regulatory Agency ( MHRA ) , the Medical Research Council ( MRC ) , the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ( NICE ) and the National Patient Safety Agency ( NPSA ) . The CQG regulates all the wellness and grownup societal attention in England and besides protects the involvements of those detained under the Mental Health Act. The most late devised wellness attention regulator is the CQC which seems to be an effort at embracing the function and maps of the other organic structures. The CQC has made proposals for its attack to the appraisals of quality in 2010/2011 for all establishments in England that provide health care and grownup societal attention services, and for the National Health Service ( normally referred to as the NHS ) and local authorization administrations that committee those services. The proposals were set up in conformity with the Heath and Social Care Act 2008. From April 1st 2009 all administrations that are suppliers of health care and grownup societal attention services in England will be required to be registered by October 1st 2010 with the CQC as stated by the Heath and Social Care Act 2008. Registration is non merely about the initial enrollment. but includes initial enrollment, monitoring and appraisal of ongoing conformity, review and execution. The CQC has to set about enrollment activities every bit good as to execute periodic reappraisals, and particular reappraisals and surveies and to print information on its findings. A new legal model has been created to ease the new ordinance system that is the Health and Social Care Act 2008 ( Registration Requirement Regulations 2009 ) . The Health and Social Care Act 2008 gives the CQC extended powers. It can publish enforcement notices, withdraw supplier organic structures rights to supply services wholly or can publish certain conditions of service/registration if it decides it is necessary to make so. Its enforcement options range from minor to really serious countenances depending on the service affected grade of hazard or service break. However the CQC stresses it wants the regulative system to drive and back up the health care and grownup societal services administrations to better and raise criterions and to be based on equity and transparence. On its official website the NHS describes the intended function of the CQC a regulator which makes certain that the voices of people who use wellness and grownup societal attention services are heard by inquiring people to portion their experiences of attention services. It makes certain that users positions are at the bosom of its studies and reappraisals. In some instances patients and their carersA work aboard inspectors to supply a user s position of services. The world and whether the CQC has successfully achieved the ends the NHS mentioned is arguable. The CQC is responsible to do certain that indispensable common criterions of quality are met everyplace wellness attention is provided, from infirmaries to private attention places and work towards bettering wellness attention services. The Commission promotes the rights and involvements of people who use services and have a broad scope of enforcement powers to take action on their behalf if services are intolerably below criterions The CQC brought together ( for the first clip ) independent ordinance of wellness, mental wellness and grownup societal attention. Before April 1st 2009, these undertakings were carried out by the Healthcare Commission, the Mental Health Act Commission and the Commission for Social Care Inspection. The purpose of the CQC is to guarantee that better attention is provided for everyone wherever it is provided. The Commission has greater powers and duties to utilize and take history of people s positions and experiences of services, and this includes grounds from overview and examination commissions. In June 2009, a Statement of Involvement was published puting out the Commission s attack to affecting people in their mission.A Overview and scrutiny commissions working on wellness issues have been an of import beginning of grounds of people s positions and experiences of wellness services for the Healthcare Commission. The Commission wants to construct on this relationship and to promote commissions to develop an on-going duologue with them. Scrutiny commissions have a cardinal function in conveying together and jointing the positions of local people who use wellness and societal attention services in their country, and to look into whether their demands and concerns are being addressed by service commissioners and suppliers. In many ways, examination commissions operate like a local regulator, keeping services to account. During its first twelvemonth the CQC has faced many challenges which sheds a uncertainty of whether the Commission has truly fixed a prevalent issue or has fixed that which was non broken. The CQC has had to continue with the functions carried out by its predecessors as stated in the Health and Social Care Bill, Part II. The CQC has besides introduced a new enrollment system for wellness and societal attention suppliers in English which is the first clip the NHS has been regulated in that mode. The new nucleus criterions imposed by the CQC will replace the ordinances and comparative National Minimum Standards under the Care Standards Act 2000 which will be null as from September 30th 2010. The ordinances introduced by the CQC will use from October 1st 2010 ( the day of the month when the suppliers must be registered in the new system ) . Under the new system introduced by the CQC, alternatively of being separately registered for each service, suppliers will hold to register harmonizi ng to their several regulated activity. In September 2009, the CQC had to confront a serious allegation about pull stringsing study findings. The caput of the Development for Mental Health, Louis Appleby, accused the CQC of seeking to pull the media s attending by portraying a deformed flattering image of the Commission s work therefore sabotaging the intended function of the CQC which is to be factual and balanced and inform the populace and patients . Professor Appleby expressed his concerns about the hapless public presentation of the CQC which the Commission did non welcome. In December 2009, Colin Angel, the caput of policy and communicating United Kingdom Homecare Association and the Registered Nursing Home Association criticised the Commission s failure to pass on efficaciously over the system of enrollment: We are highly defeated about the handling of the enrollment procedure. We fear that CQC is nt adequately prepared for the tremendous communicating exercising confronting them. Colin Angel besides identified the fact that the CQC was losing the chance to utilize the extended proficient cognition available from suppliers representative organic structures which the Registered Nursing Home Association head executive Frank Ursell approved. Some service suppliers have expressed their concerns about the fact that the Commission might hold embarked on a mission which was excessively extended and disputing to them as stated by the joint chair of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services criterions and resources web: It has been stretched at senior direction degree and we ve had rather short notice of a figure of enterprises. It s been a spot hand-to-mouth in footings of its ability to do determinations. She points to the fact that concluding counsel on how councils were to be assessed in 2009-10 was merely published three-fourthss of the manner through the twelvemonth. Colin Angel, caput of policy and communicating at the UKHCA, says: The CQC has lost valuable clip restructuring, go forthing deficient clip for over 24,000 societal attention suppliers to accommodate to new criterions before they are required to re-register. But Amanda Sherlock, caput of operations at the CQC, says it has been an outstanding accomplishment to draw together the three committees, deliver concern every bit usual every bit good as bring in a new regulative theoretical account , while constructing a new administration. She says that some things could hold gone better, stating that the CQC has worked on how it handles national proclamations, so councils and other organic structures face no surprises when these go on. Norman acknowledges the CQC has shown itself willing to listen and accepted the concerns that we ve had . On supplier enrollment, Sherlock says: We are acute to hear how we can make things better and how we can orient our attack and communicating. She says the CQC has an absolute focal point on doing certain suppliers are clear what is expected between April and October when they must register. National Care Forum executive manager Des Kelly says for its portion the supplier sector needs to work with the CQC to guarantee enrollment succeeds. Sherlock admits the CQC has set a batch of clip into organizational development but says this has paid off in set uping an administration that has an absolute committedness to driving up quality and safety across wellness and societal attention without specifying any sector as particular . A twelvemonth ago, many in societal attention, including former CSCI chair Dame Denise Platt, feared the wellness service s high political and public profile would do it particular . And since Johnstone s going last fall, there has been no 1 with a societal attention background on CQC s executive squad below main executive Cynthia Bower, who left societal services in 1995. Sherlock insists such frights have proved baseless, but says the CQC has been helped by grownup attention s lifting profile. Sherlock, who worked for the CSCI and its predecessor, the National Care Standards Commission, points to her ain centrality to CQC s strategic way, despite non being on the executive squad. She besides reveals that the CQC will shortly name a national societal attention advisor, to supply external challenge and beef up links with the sector. Kelly says the issue of societal attention s precedence has gone better than I would hold predicted 12 months ago . Concerns have besides been raised that the CQC would non keep the CSCI s focal point on user engagement. Sue Bott, manager of the National Centre for Independent Living, which provides users to move as experts by experience on review squads, says engagement is nowhere near as prevalent as it was in the CSCI. The CQC produced a statement on user engagement last June, plighting to carry on studies and put up advisory panels. Sherlock agrees there is more to make but says the statement has been implemented and the CQC s user engagement squad, led by Frances Hasler, who performed the same function for the CSCI, actively challenges all parts of the administration . One of the cardinal aims of the CQC is to back up the integrating of wellness and societal attention. Kelly says he has non seen a great trade of grounds as yet of advancement on this forepart. But Sherlock points to the particular reappraisals that the CQC has been making on issues that cross the divide, including the quality of health care for attention place occupants, which she says will place good pattern and any spreads. These will describe in 2010-11, alongside the axial rotation out of enrollment for grownup attention suppliers and a Reformed public presentation appraisal for councils. It will be another busy twelvemonth. ONE Year OF THE CQC April 2009 The Care Quality Commission starts work. Surpassing Commission for Social Care Inspection chair Dame Denise Platt raises concerns over its possible to sufficiently prioritize societal attention and affect service users. May 2009 Former Association of Directors of Adults Social Services criterions lead David Johnstone appointed manager of operations at the CQC. He leaves the administration after merely a few months. June 2009 Statement on service user engagement published. The CQC announces series of particular reappraisals for 2009-10, including of health care demands of attention place occupants and impact of recession on services. July 2009 The CQC says NHS trusts are neglecting to follow with kid protection demands in countries such as staff preparation in study sparked by Baby Peter instance. September 2009 DH mental wellness manager Louis Appleby says the CQCHYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: // HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: // s portraiture of consequences of an in-patient study was HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: // HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: // intentionally distortingHYPERLINK http: // and merely highlighted negative findings. The CQC says many study consequences were haples s. October 2009 The CQC publishes bill of exchange criterions for wellness and societal attention suppliers, and holds run intoing with mental wellness leaders over its presentation of the consequences of its in-patient study. December 2009 Adass criticises the CQC for its intervention of eight councils labelled HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: // HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: // precedence for improvementHYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: // HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: // following one-year public presentation appraisal ( APA ) . Councils better for 7th twelvemonth running. February 2010 The CQC says ?2bn could be saved a twelvemonth from reduced infirmary admittances if joint working improves between wellness and societal attention in first HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: // State of CareHYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol: // study. It promises 2010-11 APA for councils will be tougher. March 2010 Care supplier organic structures slam the CQC for an alleged deficiency of communicating of the procedure for enrollment under its new system. The CQC claims it has engaged extensively. April 2010 The CQC is one twelvemonth old. It starts procedure of registering grownup attention suppliers under new system. National societal attention advisor appointed. This article is published in the 8 April 2010 edition of Community Care under the headline Many happy returns?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

High Resolution Periodic Tables

High Resolution Periodic Tables You know how you can grow bored with the background on your desktop or mobile device? The periodic table wallpaper on your computer or phone is due for a refresh! Here are vibrant periodic table wallpapers for you, plus a printable periodic table with the same color scheme. These are high resolution images, created with an aspect ratio that resizes well. To download them, just click the link and save the image to your device. The element weights are the latest approved by the IUPAC, although in cases where the IUPAC has a range of weights, the latest accepted single value is listed. Periodic Table Wallpaper  - This HD table is available on a white or black background or even on t-shirts and notebooks.More printable periodic tables and wallpapers are also available, including data for all 118 chemical elements. Different color scheme and specialty tables (electron configuration, oxidation state, element abundance) are also provided.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How would you define a group And how would you transform a group into Essay

How would you define a group And how would you transform a group into a high performing team - Essay Example However the most significant aspect that could be understood here is that of a group coming out as the best with the assistance of a leader which is appointed at the helm of affairs by the top management – the authority responsible for enacting the group in the first place. In life as well as in sports, groups and teams are formed up so that the resources could be utilized in an effective and efficient way and the results are drawn for the sake of achieving the already chalked out objectives. (Fink, 2002) Thus the definition of a group becomes pretty easy to comprehend when it is concerned with delivering results, getting resources used in a productive way and in the end, asking for feedback from the stakeholders who have been left on the mercy of the group for more than a single reason. A group of individuals is nothing but a collection of men and women who are present within it to perform a series of tasks and/or actions. However if these people are told what the leader expects of them in the long run and how he will provide them the much needed resources at their disposal, then this group starts to become like a team. Now if this team exhibits the motivational regimes within its folds and if it understands the true meaning of oneness and unity, then this is a given that this team will be one of the most sought after ones within the related settings. The team would start performing in a highly effective way and thus contribute to the working basis, when one sees the same in the light of the objectives that have already been drawn. The team members must know that the objectives are very important and these must be understood beforehand so that the end result is one that is familiar to them. This would enable them to comprehend the real meaning of success and thus t heir efforts would be full of commitment and devotion, put in proper area within the related settings. A high performing team does not

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Behavioral Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Behavioral Psychology - Essay Example John B. Watson founded the school of behavioral psychology in hopes that it would make psychology as academically respected as other sciences such as chemistry and physiology were. He moved away from the introspective methods of psychology which were popular at the time, and moved towards a more scientific, observable approach. He believed that the behavior of humans and animals were comparable, and therefore, most behavioral experiments used animals such as rats as subjects and then generalized the findings to humans. Watson believed that all behavior could be explained by what was called "classical conditioning" (Watson, 1999). The idea behind classical conditioning is that one could pair a stimulus that causes a response or reflex with an unrelated stimulus. Over time, the unrelated stimulus alone should cause the response or reflex. An example of this would the famous experiment conducted by Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov noticed that when he set food out for his dogs, they would salivate. He then paired the setting out of food with ringing a bell. Over time, the dogs salivated to the ringing bell alone, without the setting out of food. ... While he agreed that the behaviors of animals and humans are comparable and that psychology should focus of observable behavior, Skinner did believe that there is such thing as the mind. The only reason he chose to study observations over the mind is because observations can be objectively measured in a scientific way whereas the mind cannot (Boeree, 2006). Skinner also differs from Watson in that he believes that changes in behavior can be attributed to reinforcers, whereas Watson attributes change in behavior to associations between events. Skinner referred to this theory of behavior as "operant conditioning" which maintains that "the behavior is followed by a consequence, and the nature of the consequence modifies the organism's tendency to repeat the behavior in the future" (Boeree, 2006, p. 2). Depending on the type of reinforcer, the likelihood of the behavior can be increased or decreased. For example, if a child is given praise every time he says "please", he will likely cont inue to say "please". This is an example of positive reinforcement, which increases the likelihood of a behavior. At the same time, punishment decreases the likelihood of a behavior. For example, if a child is put in time out every time he pushes his sister, then he should begin to push his sister less and less. Skinner also believed that once a reinforcer is taken away, then the behavior should occur less and less. This belief led Skinner to believe that there was no such thing as free will. He explained that people behave badly because that behavior is rewarded in some way and that people behave well because that behavior is rewarded in some way. On the other hand, Edward C. Tolman had a different set of views than Watson and Skinner. While Tolman shied away

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Traditional Japanese History Essay Example for Free

Traditional Japanese History Essay Japanese literature spans over a large period of time for writing. Earlier literature work was greatly influenced by Chinese literature, but after opening its ports to Western trading, Japan eventually developed its own style and quality of literature. Like most literature around the world and through history, we can learn a lot about Japans history through its literature. The Heian, Kamakura, Muromachi, and Tokugawa periods are the time period in which we see the development of a Japanese culture that resembles less Chinese culture than the time periods we see in the previous period in Japanese history. The Heian period was between 794 and 1185 and was named for the location of the imperial capital. This time period within Japanese history is characterized by the flourishing culture of the court aristocracy, which actively pursued aesthetic refinement which led to new developments in art and literature (Heian Period). From one of the groups I chose â€Å"The Tale of Genji† because it is a great record of life for the nobility during this time period, it also considered some of the best literature in the world. The Tale of Genji† displays the complex relationship between the literary past and its later transformation from the material you find within the story (Janet Emily Goff, 1982: p. 144). To the poets in Japan during this age, the Tale of the Genji epitomized Heian court life in its depiction of the life of Prince Genji and his affairs with various court ladies, while the inclusion of nearly eight hundred poems had offered poets a guide to proper poetic expression on a wide variety of occasions. The Tale of the Genji falls under the category of ancient literature and is considered to be one of the world’s first novels. The book is just full of poems between men and woman during the Heian period and how they communicated among each other (Web Page Template). Court life was able to flourish during this time period because of the development of the shoen, large estates of land that were owned by the kuge, the court in Kyoto, but were run by managers sent money to the kuge and this is what the Tale of the Genji tells us historically about Japan (Web Page Template). During this time period, women could not be seen or communicated with except during certain occasions, like festivals, so many woman wrote poems and in journals to communicate to men. This means that by looking at literature during this time we can find out a lot between the gender roles and how men and women communicated during this time period, which in turn can be very important when studying a culture and how life was on a day to day basis, because primary documents within the study of history are the most important documents you can find. Another documents that I looked at was the â€Å"Kagero Nikki† which is an autobiography narrative that covers the years 954 to 974, part memoir and part dairy, written by the second wife of Fujiwara no Kaneie who was a high official of the Heian court. The author who is Mitchitisuna no Haha’s intention of the writing was to give readers and alternate, more realistic view of the life of a lady of the Heian court. Her goal was to capture on paper, the elements of a real social situation without evasion or idealization (Motivations of the Author of the Kagero Nikki). In a general sense though, the dairy is in a way her protest against the marriage system of the time, and supports the idea that men are beasts. But what is important is that we see a time period where woman are able to write literature and become educated, but they must write this literature in Japanese because it is forbidden that they do it in Chinese like the men. What we can see from this is a beginning of Japanese literature that strays away from the Chinese influence and also a literature that is not dominated by men, The next period to take place in Japan after the Heian period was the feudal periods which were the Kamakura and Muromachi periods. The Kamakura period began with the transfer of power from the imperial court to the Kamakura shogunate and this time period is also considered the medieval age for Japan. The third piece of Japanese literature I look at was â€Å"The Tale of the Heiki† which is Japans most famous war story. The war story was composed during the 14th century and is an account of the Genpei War which was the war that ended Heian period which makes the literature so important when taking a look into Japanese history from that time period (Oyler, Elizabeth). The story portrays the war as a heroic clash between two great warrior lineages, the Minamoto and the Taira. This literacy work is important within Japanese history, because it is believed to be the first to reach people of all social classes in that you didn’t have to know how to read in order to hear or understand the story. Even those who could not read could listen to the tale because it was sung in public areas and performers often spread the tale and traveled around Japan in order to do so (Oyler, Elizabeth). In today’s world, the tale is often viewed as both a source of stories about Japanese history and also as a eulogy for the spirits of the dead. The tale was also a great source for medieval and early modern codes of warrior behavior which is very similar to the westerns worlds’ idea of Knights chivalry during their medieval age. During this time period, Buddhism was also prominent due to the ongoing large influence of Chinese culture, and central to Buddhism is the impermanence of life. Buddhists according to Robert Oxnam see a need to announce worldly attachments to escape the sufferings of human existence, and that Japanese literature reflected these beliefs. The literature work of Kamo no Chomei called â€Å"An Account of My Hut† can give us a good outlook on the life of a Buddhist during this medieval time period within Japan, along with the transformation in Buddhism, since the book is Kamo no Chomei’s own transformation into the religion and beliefs of Buddhism as a Buddhist monk. Within the literature, Kamo no Chomei describes of the most disastrous periods for any important city in history. He describes the great fire, the Whirlwind, the moving of the capital, the famine, and the earthquake, all while civil war between the Taira and Minamoto clans is going on (Hojoki). The late medieval period of Japan was considered a time of the development of a number of Buddhists and the influence it had in Japan. This is what I believe makes this literature so important when reflecting on the Japanese history because it gives us a outlook on the perspective a Japanese Buddhist during this time period that turned out to be quite disastrous. The literature of the time reflected the unsettled nature of the period and we can see this perfectly within An Account of My Hut because it describes the turmoil of the period in terms of the Buddhist concepts of impermanence and the vanity of human projects. So both of these Japanese works of literature: The Tale of the Heike and An Account of My Hut both reflect on the Warrior spirit within the medieval time period of Japan along with its distress and cause, which both define the Kamakura and Muromachi periods. The next piece of Japanese literature I looked into was â€Å"Hizakurige† which is considered the most humorous and entertaining book in the Japanese language by some. It is story of two irrepressible men from Edo along the Tokaido, the great highway between Kyoto and Edo. It is considered by many that the literature of the Tokugawa period is inferior to earlier achievements by Japanese writers (Japanese Literature). The literature during this period was much more peaceful than the Japanese literature we would find during the Japanese medieval period and this was because there was a lack in war now and there was a rise in of the working class within Japan and the country had lost a bunch of money, and I think that this is what defined this period for Japan. And we can see that the literature from this time period represents the economic struggle in which Japan was having. The last piece of Japanese literature I looked at was The Love Suicides at Sonezaki which is the most famous and best loved play by Chikamtsu. It was based off of real events and instantly became a big hit during its time. The play also reflects the cycle of Buddhism, in that the numbers of suicides that take place during the play reflect the subtle cycle of Buddhism. Buddhism by the Edo period or late Tokugawa period was widely established and practiced under the acceptance of the Tokugawa government. The Love Suicides at Sonzaki also reflect on the marriage customs during that time for the Japanese people The connection that I see during these historical phases of Japan is that all three have some emphasis on literature and the beginning and continuing of separating Chinese and Japanese literature. But in reality I think that each period is very different. For example the medieval period of Japan was full of chaos and war while the ancient period of Japan was considered much more peaceful. The rulers and government rulers changed by period also. During the Heian Period, the Fujiwara family controlled the political scene (Japanese History: Nara, Heian Periods). But the Fujiware family rule came to an end when the Tiara family took charge until they were beat out of rule by the Minamoto Yoritomo family. During the Kamakura period the ruler was Minamoto Yoritomo who would be replaced by Ashikaga Takauki for the start of the Muromachi period. And during the Edo period the head of government were the shoguns and the government was considered the Tokugawa shogunate. Japanese literature is important within its culture and we can learn a lot from any counties or cultures literature. As I reflected on these literary pieces by Japanese I found that they all reflected on some kind of event that was taking place from within Japan, and what makes these pieces so useful for historians is that they are the insight from someone who was there during that period. It is obvious that a Japanese citizen will look at these periods differently than a Japanese citizen that is living today. Each period has its own effort and growth put into Japanese literature to make it what it is today.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Election Problems Essay -- Essays Papers

Election Problems Even though my experience may be limited in politics, I still understand how grave of a situation it is having everything controlled by the republicans, because with total domination of one party the democratic system is weighed heavily to one side. Even some republicans agree that dominance over every branch is a problem. It is false hope for the President and his colleagues to think that just because they won the election that every person who voted for them is supporting their conservative ways and plans. This distorted image could possibly have been humbled if the electoral system was different. In many states Bush only won by 2% but all of the electoral votes went to him, despite the fact that 50% of voters chose a different candidate. I understand that this is the way it has been and it has worked in the past. But more than ever there is an uprising against the Electoral College. For instance Colorado attempted to pass an amendment that would change the way the electoral votes are counted within the state. Within this outdated system a candidate could win the majority of the popular votes but still not win the election. This is taking away from the voice of the American people. There are many flaws because of the way elections are conducted. There are two arguments in favor of the Electoral College, although both of them agree that nothing should be done. There have been over 700 proposed amendments to revamp the Electoral College that have gone before Congress, most of them failed. The attitude of the supporters is to leave well enough alone. While many of us see that may be true in some aspects others aspects are in sever need of change. Our world and lives are changing dramatically ... ...rrified to learn what the voting future has in store for me. The American public is being tricked into thinking that the Electoral College is a just system to elect our most important office. Because there are many flaws within the Electoral College a change needs to be made. And that change rests on the shoulders of all of the American people. Works Cited Should the Current Electoral College System be Preserved? PRO. Congressional Digest; Jan2001, Vol. 80 Issue 1, p16, 8p, 3bw, Berns The Neglected Majority Campaigns & Elections; Aug2004, Vol. 25 Issue 7, p44, 1p DOES YOUR VOTE MATTER? Business Week; 6/14/2004 Issue 3887, p60, 2p Who Should Elect the President? The Case Against the Electoral College. National Civic Review; Summer2001, Vol. 90 Issue 2, p173, 9p Bush’s Trouble Ahead New York Times, November 7, 2004, By Lyn Nofzinger

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Images in the media today illustrate an unrealistic and even dangerous standard of ideal female beauty hat can have a powerful influence on the way women perceive themselves. The popular culture influences our ides of femininity to the extent that we hold high expectations of a women's appearance. Society is driven to judge or neglect a woman if they don't kick a certain way because they compare them to the unrealistic models seen on magazines, television, music videos, and so on. The media impacts the ideas of femininity to the extent that women are portrayed as sex objects who exist primarily to service men, or as weak individuals.To initiate, mass media is a powerful tool that is used to impact TTS audience in various ways. For instance, when I'm surfing the internet shopping for clothing in websites such as (Forever 21, Hollister, or H & M,) the models I perceive are usually extremely thin. When I look at the model info the height of the model tends to be about 5'8†³ or tall er and the waist is typically between 23 and 25. The models shown are always wearing a size extra-small or small, and they always appear very young and beautiful.They have perfect facial features and many times have colored eyes. They never display a model wearing anything bigger than a size small almost as if earring a size medium or anything bigger is unacceptable. The ideal expected body is also perceived in beauty pageants such as the Latin show â€Å"Muenster Bella Latin. † Beauty pageants like these push women to exercise a great deal and follow strict diets in order to meet the ideal weight. In one of the episodes that I watched a girl was eliminated simply because she was about two or three pounds over the expected weight.Common women are compared to these ideal models and society believes that in order for a woman to be sexy or attractive they must resemble these models. As a result, any women are disappointed with their bodies and are forced to exercise excessively, suffer anorexia or other eating disorders because they are obsessed with the idea of thinness. Not only are women disappointed with their bodies, but also fear aging and they are driven to various methods such as surgery or anti-aging creams in order to maintain a young appearance.In addition, advertising adds to the ideal image that is expected of woman. Advertising is a powerful force that surrounds us and influences us subconsciously on a daily basis. Advertisements use Photos and create artificial images of women, and women in real life attempt to measure themselves against those images. It gives women the idea that there's only one way to look good and receive the attention they want or deserve. For example, bikini or lingerie advertisements always have extremely thin woman hinting that a thicker girl would not look good wearing that.Not only does advertising promote the ideal image of a woman, but it also influences the idea that women are just sex objects, and that they are the weaker sex. In many occasions advertisements utilize sex appeal by illustrating naked omen or men who are in control over a woman. In â€Å"Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt,† Jean Kilojoules asserts that â€Å"Male violence is subtly encouraged by ads that encourage men to be forceful and dominant, and to value sexual intimacy more than emotional intimacy' (422).What Kilojoules states is that men believe sex is more significant and they forget the sentimental value. It is easier for men to identify women as an object because they justify their violent behavior, and if they perceive a woman as an object they overlook the fact that they have feelings and emotions. Moreover, music is another factor that influences ideas of femininity particularly in a negative way. The lyrics used by rappers constantly degrade women by referring to them as â€Å"pitches† and â€Å"host†.Women using their bodies and sexuality to get what they want are what make these words accepta ble. In the passage â€Å"From Fly-Girls to Pitches and Host†, Joan Morgan writes â€Å"but many of the ways in which men exploit our images and sexuality in hip-hop is done with our permission and cooperation† (459). What Morgan states, is that females will be willing to expose their dies in a music video or allow rappers to degrade them simply to make money or get attention. There are countless songs that degrade women such as the song â€Å"Pitches anti chit but hoes and tricks. The name of the song is a phrase that is repeated multiple times throughout the song as if once were not enough. Tag, the artist of this song sings, â€Å"Got this bitchy named Tar, she let me buck her in the car, / Like Kim Sardinian she wane be star. † These lyrics suggest that women are good for sex, and deserve no respect. The worse part of the particular songs is that women listen to them or dance to hem at clubs because they enjoy the beat of the songs, but they are not conscio us of the demeaning lyrics.If women themselves listen to these songs it gives society the idea that they can refer to women in such a way. Due to the fact, because women are degraded in this manner, men believe that women are only good for sex and they fail to love them. Yet some readers may challenge my view by saying that popular culture has a minor influence on society's ideas of femininity. It's not so much the media but typical gender stereotypes that impact our ideas of femininity. Gender stereotyping begins t a young age, and little girls believe only girls should wear pink or only girls should play with Barbie's.Many hold stereotypes that women should look a certain way in order to be identified as a woman. People hold stereotypes that women must be classy, and not trashy. Indeed, stereotyping plays a significant role, but as we grow older it's not so much about the gender stereotypes but rather about what surrounds us on a daily basis that influences our ideas. Once you get older individuals can decide to ignore or put their gender stereotypes aside, but popular culture is something that Anton be ignored by any means.Popular culture is everywhere go, and without a doubt it's the primary factor that impacts our ideas. Furthermore, there are various steps that the popular culture can take in order to improve the perceptions of women. For instance, beauty pageants should have models that are more like the average woman who are not extremely thin. Beau' pageants should choose contestants based on their talents rather than their appearance. Advertisements should be appropriate, and not objectify women because they are human beings. They should eliminate advertisements where women are practically naked.In addition, they should not Photos the image of women in advertisements, but rather display the true image of the model. Women need to speak out about how degrading it is to be insulted in music by rappers, and the songs should be banned from the radio. Wome n should not agree to be degraded simply because they want to be in the music video of some popular rapper. Females must stand up for themselves in order to be treated with respect. In conclusion, even if We tried to ignore it the popular culture constantly influences our ideas of femininity.If the media was not so powerful society would have more realistic perceptions of femininity. Women should be valued for who they truly are because there's so much more to femininity then just a physical appearance or sex objectification. Females are sensitive individuals who have feelings and emotions, and deserve to be respected. A woman should not be judged if she does not look a certain way because nobody is perfect, and we all have flaws. Females are not Barbie dolls with a perfect little waist or the ideal face, they are real life individuals.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How to play soccer Essay

How To Play Soccer?  Soccer is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball.  According to FIFA which is the international foundation of football association, soccer is  played by two hundred and fifty million players in over two hundred countries, making it the  world’s most popular sport. The game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end.  The object of the game is to score by using any part of the body besides the arms and hands to  get the ball into the opposing goal. One way to learn how to play soccer is to know its skills,  field and equipment and the general rules. There are five fundamental skills that a beginner player should know before starting  playing soccer. The major skill is passing, knowing how to pass the ball to other teammates is a  major part of the game by using the inside part of the foot. In addition to passing, controlling  the ball is another necessary skill that any player should master. Also, dribbling an opponent  with or without the ball is a skill that needs some techniques, not every soccer player can  dribble. Moreover, kicking the ball is a major skill that allows players to score goals, to kick a  ball, a player should hit the ball in the center by using the front of the foot. Finally, stopping  the opponent or tackling is one of the duties that is assigned to defenders and midfielders, they  try as much as they can to recuperate the ball from the opponent team in order to rebuild an  attack. Passing, controlling, dribbling, kicking and tackling are the five major skills in soccer. Additionally, soccer is played in a rectangular field that is divided into two parts.  The length of the field is one hundred and thirty yards and the width is hundred yards.  In addition, there are eleven player in each side of the field, every player has a position that is  assigned by the coach who choose the best tactic to play, the most famous tactic is 4-4-2: one  goalkeeper, four defenders, four midfielders and two attackers. Furthermore, we don’t need  much equipment to play soccer, all what we need is a spherical ball, a jersey, a short and shin  guards to protect players legs. The Field, players positions and the equipment are three vital  elements in playing soccer.  Moreover, like other sports, soccer has its own rules. There is four referees, the duty of  the official referee is to enforce the laws of the game and control the match in co-operation  with the two assistant referees and with the fourth official who organize substitutions. There are  two types of warnings in soccer, yellow and red card. The referee give one the cards basing on  the foul committed. For example, if a defender touches the ball by his hand voluntarily, the  referee give him a yellow card, if the player touches the ball inside the operating area the referee  gives him a red card which means an expulsion from the match. In addition, there are two kinds  of kicks in soccer, direct and indirect kick. In direct kick the player kicks the ball directly to  the net. In contrast, in the indirect kick, the player passes the ball to one of his teammate to  continue their attack operation. Having an idea about soccer rules, fouls and the different types  of kicks may help players to get familiar with the circumstances of matchs.  Finally, based on my experience, I believe that soccer is a wonderful sport to play  because it combines between tactical and physical skills. Also it needs few equipment and  requires to know about basic rules to ensure a better playing condition.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Learning Task Seven Example

Learning Task Seven Example Learning Task Seven – Coursework Example number 01 May Learning Task #7 The twenty-first century is an era of information, the intensified exchangeof which has become possible due to the Industrial revolution and introduction of new technologies. The modern-day society has to adjust itself to new challenges. In order to be in picture of the intensified process of information exchange one must be able to adequately analyze and foresee the tendencies of human activities at large. In this short essay I will try to explain how I, as a student, might use information to help educate students in my community in order to acquire and appreciation of humanities. The social order in Great Britain was transformed by the industrial revolution having introduced the new patterns of class behavior worldwide (Matthews, Noble, and DeWitt ch. 18). The French Revolution and the American Revolutionary War have changed the face of the world dramatically. Although these events were followed by certain reactionary attempts of some governments in a number of powerful European countries reverse the course of history in the middle of the nineteenth century, the changes in the collective mind of Western civilization proved to be nonreversible. By the end of the nineteenth century the communication of ideas became much easier for all members of Western societies regardless the social class affiliation. The industrial and post-industrial era turned the whole world into a so-called big village, where cross-cultural interaction intensified drastically. Without the ability to study our cultural legacy with critical and analytical mind within the framework of humanities it is impossible to understand what challenges the next generations will face.Work CitedMatthews, Roy, Thomas Noble, and Platt DeWitt. Experience Humanities. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2013. Kindle Edition.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition of an Aliphatic Compound

Definition of an Aliphatic Compound An aliphatic compound is an organic compound containing carbon and hydrogen joined together in straight chains, branched chains, or non-aromatic rings. It is one of two broad classes of hydrocarbons, the other being aromatic compounds. Open-chain compounds that contain no rings are aliphatic, whether they contain single, double, or triple bonds. In other words, they may be saturated or unsaturated. Some aliphatics are cyclic molecules, but their rings are not as stable as those of aromatic compounds. While hydrogen atoms are most commonly bound to the carbon chain, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, or chlorine atoms might also be present. Aliphatic compounds are also known as  aliphatic hydrocarbons or eliphatic compounds. Examples of Aliphatic Compounds Ethylene, isooctane, acetylene, propene, propane, squalene, and polyethylene are examples of aliphatic compounds. The simplest aliphatic compound is methane, CH4. Properties of Aliphatic Compounds The most significant characteristic of aliphatic compounds is that most of them are flammable. For this reason, aliphatic compounds are often used as fuels. Examples of aliphatic fuels include methane, acetylene, and liquefied natural gas (LNG). Aliphatic Acids Aliphatic or eliphatic acids are the acids of nonaromatic hydrocarbons. Examples of aliphatic acids are butyric acid, propionic acid, and acetic acid.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Role of Multicultural Education in Citizenship Essay

The Role of Multicultural Education in Citizenship - Essay Example This is an interesting single case study, but it would be risky to extend any major conclusions to other contexts. A further weakness of this article is that the theory is largely separate from the observation. The lengthy introduction sets out the findings of previous scholars, but it is not always obvious how this relates to the particular teacher being studied in the article. The hybrid method of academic argument followed by snippets of interview leads to an implied devaluation of the teacher’s words as mere anecdote. It is as if the teacher is cited as an illustration of someone else’s theories, rather than a speaker and thinker in her own right. For this reason the article presents a strange aura of superficiality and the fact that the author is male and the subject is female creates a certain gender specific tension as well. This article shows a potential of researcher bias due to strong tone of advocacy that emerges. The choice of method leaves the male professo r in control of the way a single female teacher’s voice is edited and presented. Status and gender issues make this a potentially unfair representation, and adding gender hierarchies to the obvious racial hierarchies that are discussed in the article. In summary, then, this article is clearly knowledgeable about theory, but somewhat inadequate in explaining the connection between theory and practice. Its focus on one researcher and one teacher makes it also very limited in scope and open to the charge of bias. Article 2 (Mathews and Dilworth) This article addresses three main questions relating to the way that preservice teachers view multicultural citizenship, namely 1) the type of citizen that preservice teachers aspire to promote in their future classrooms; 2) the way that preservice... This paper approves that the innovative approach used in the Cutri article on narrative as a method of teaching and learning multicultural citizenship is applicable is a good example of new thinking being applied to a familiar context. It stands out as a new technique among many old and tired approaches, and although it may not suit everyone, and might seem suspect for researchers who prepare quantitative approaches and more triangulation from different perspectives, it can safely be recommended as an exciting tool to help trainee teachers set out their own narrative starting points and begin to engage students with the personal and the emotional aspects of the subject. This essay comes to the conclusion that the close study of the three articles highlighted at the start of this paper has led to a greater appreciation of the difference between surface knowledge and deeply held beliefs. All three studies provide useful insights into the teaching of multicultural citizenship, and especially into the methods that should be used to train teachers of this discipline. The authors all stress the need for preservice teachers and teachers and also teacher educators to engage in a process of continuous reflection and application of theories to the teaching situation. It is clear that the majority of teaching and research in the field of multicultural civilization in the United States is still being conducted by white people and that engagement with some of the issues at a deep level is not taking place in many training programs. Greater familiarity with international scholarship, and a willingness to try new methods are two recommendations which would go a lo ng way to remedying the narrow focus of these American studies.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Care of the severe asthmatic paediatric patient Essay

Care of the severe asthmatic paediatric patient - Essay Example Unless severe asthma is adequately treated it can become life threatening. Treatment regimen in the case of severe paediatric asthma is giving high concentrations of oxygen to the patient, nebulized salbutamol and systemic corticosteroids. One of the most frequent causes of children being presented in hospitals is asthma. The important concern with paediatric asthma is that a significant percentage of children hospitalized with a severe attack of asthma are likely to die. This makes understanding paediatric asthma and maintaining guidelines for managing severe paediatric asthma important to the reduction of paediatric mortality in hospitality Weinberger 2008 p.633, defines asthma as a disease characterized by hyper-responsiveness of the airways to various stimuli, resulting in airway obstruction that is reversible to a substantial degree either spontaneously or as a result of treatment†. The airway obstruction observed in asthma arises from the different levels of severity of broncho-spasm and inflammation. Inflammation in asthma is the result of mucosal oedema and the secretion of mucous (Weinberger, 2008). Guill, 2004, points out that asthma does not occur as a set of episodic events spread over periods of time, but is rather present as a state of inflammation and hyper-responsiveness of the airway that presents in a varying manner in an individual suffering from asthma and also among the different individuals having asthma. Such an observation suggests the severity of an asthmatic event in a child varies from time and time and the severity of an asthmatic event is not necessarily the same between different indiv iduals (Guill, 2004). The varying severity of asthma in children gives rise to asthmatic events that may be present with minimal symptoms that have hardly any impact on the health of the child to asthmatic events with life threatening potential. The available indicators of the severity levels of asthma in children are the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Resort Taxonomy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Resort Taxonomy - Assignment Example The explanation that the current categorization methods are based on some specific recreational activities or specific features that a resort possesses, is not also mentioned. The objection on such a classification is that a resort may fall into several categories this way. There is also not mention how clarity in categorization can be achieved by classifying resorts in mutually distinct categories. While explaining the resort classification criteria, the content has skillfully explained how it differs from existing methods. However, it fails to mention why only four categories and made for resorts and how they seem to classify all types of resorts. Definition of Resort Further on, the fact that why resorts have different overlapping definitions and why people seem comfortable to keep the definition of it broad has been ignored. The point to investigate is what people generally think of when resort is mentioned e.g. even if resorts fall in multiple categories, what are the basic feat ures that every resort should possess that people generally think of? The existing processes do not specifically provide clarity in classifying resorts; however it fails to mention the features of a resort that makes the categorization unclear in existing processes. One point raised is that resort is termed for even those places that possess non resort properties. Once again it fails to mentions what non resort properties are. ... It does mention that the approach may help the academics who carry out researches. No highlighting of how those classifications may help the consumers who will be targeted as a result of these researches and how to make the classification process understandable for them has been bothered about.. If we see from the review of the literature, the existing definitions of a resort also relied on the characteristics that a resort possesses. An attractive way of description on how the newly found definition maps to expectations and interpretations of consumers of resorts has been made. There is also a mention and explanation that there is a six pointer definition that is derived for a resort after this research. These six points are agreed upon by the industry people who agreed to appear in the interview so it reflects the agreed upon points in a definition. No points of disagreement between the professionals have mentioned, suggested or argued. The points of disagreement may help future re search in determining what factors usually do not matter to the consumers and which ones do not impact the people who belong for people who belong with the resort business. It also highlights which features actually belong to other categories of hotel stay and what reflect a true essence of vacation. It has successfully managed to discuss the implications of the definition in terms of consumer expectations of a resort. The comprehensive definition seems to encompass all what a consumer desires for in a resort. After the successive rounds of interviews, the definition is formed of a resort and it concludes that the industry professionals agree on the fact that the definition of a resort should comprise on the fact that it should encompass the amenities and features

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Importance Of Accuracy And Fluency

The Importance Of Accuracy And Fluency Accuracy and fluency are two key components of second language acquisition. In todays world, it seems that learning the usage of grammar and focusing on accuracy are emphasized by many language students over fluency. This topic of accuracy and fluency has been a controversial issue that has been discussed for many years. Although some formalists argue that learning a language means learning forms and rules, some activists take a different view and claim that learning a language means learning how to use a language (Eskey, 1983). Thus, this essay will argue that accuracy is not necessarily more important than fluency. It depends on learners needs and the purpose of instruction in second language acquisition. In order to demonstrate this, this essay will first focus on the importance of accuracy and fluency in English learning and show that they are both essential by looking at two different teaching methods. Second, it will turn to discuss both accuracy and fluency in term of learner goals, learner variables and instructional variables. Third, it will suggest what language teachers should do to deal with the issue and find the right balance between them. The importance of accuracy and fluency In this section, it will be argued that both accuracy and fluency are needed in second language acquisition. There has been much discussion about these two components, with arguments put forward in support of either one of the other. However, it will be shown that neither component is useful without the other. Early teaching methods promoted accuracy over fluency. For instance, the Grammar-Translation Method has been used by language teachers for many years. It is the traditional style of teaching method emphasizing grammar explanation and translation (Cook, 2001). In such a method, it is important for students to learn about the form of the target language. The role of the teacher is the authority. Students merely do what the teacher says and learn from the teacher, and many students consider that correct answers are essential. If they make errors or do not know an answer, it is the teachers duty to supply them with the correct answer. However, accuracy cannot be regarded as enough in language learning. According to Larsen-Freeman (2000), in the Grammar-Translation Method, the language that is used in class is mostly the students native language. In this case, there is much less attention to second language speaking and listening. When it comes to speaking and listening skills, fluency needs to be taken account in language learning. For this reason, other methods have emphasized fluency in language learning. It is clear that these approaches are built on learning the use of language not on learning the usage of it. For example, compared with the Grammar-Translation Method, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) emphasizes the process of communication rather than just focusing on language forms (Larsen-Freeman, 2000). Since the concept of CLT places an emphasis on fluency, errors of form can be seen as a natural outcome of the development of communication skills. Another argument in favour of fluency is the implementation of language in an authentic environment. In the real world, language is mostly used to express feeling and thought (Eskey, 1983). When there is a purpose to exchange meaning, fluency is the key element during communication. While communicating with each other, foreign language learners often encounter the difficulty, that is, what they know how to say does not achieve their communicative intention. In order to bridge the gap of such discrepancy, learners may use communicative strategies, such as prediction to make the communication successful. This is because if communicators are in the same context, one may predict what the other is going to say next. For example, before the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, taxi drivers in Beijing were trained in order to obtain English speaking ability so that they could communicate with foreign tourists fluently. In this situation, although the taxi drivers were poor at grammar rules, they still can communicate with foreigners. This is because the driver can predict where the foreign passenger will go since their destination may be related to the Olympic Games. In this case, although some grammatical errors exist, communicators can still understand each other because they are in the same context. When listeners can not understand what speakers mean, they usually predict the following conversation and provide immediate response with speakers in the process of meaning negotiation. However, it must be remembered that the achievement of this level of communicative competence does not mean an equal one of grammatical competence (Eskey, 1983). As Eskey (1983: 319) claims, fluency in a language is no guarantee of formal accuracy. A realistic concern is that focusing on fluency may cause the significant effect on accuracy. According to Eskey (1983: 319), rewarding a learners fluency may, in some cases, actually impede his or her achievement of accuracy. For example, in order to get meaning across, language learners find the words, but they either pronounce them wrongly or put them together inappropriately. Such problem happens due to the fact that they can speak English continually but express themselves poorly. Thus, although accuracy is not enough by itself, it is still considered as necessary in language learning. Although learners can still communicate the message to make sense without correct form, it can not be denied that in order to use the language, learners still need to be able to convert linguistic forms into the ability to actually use then. Therefore, when using CLT approach, correcting for accuracy will still be offered by teachers. Although prediction in communicative context may benefit successful communication, fluency is not enough in this circumstance. Without accuracy, misunderstanding may occur because of misspelling, poor pronunciation and grammatical structures. It is therefore clear that as language teachers, both fluency and accuracy must be equally concerned in teaching students to use a language. The elements towards focusing on accuracy and fluency As the first section has mentioned, both accuracy and fluency are needed in the process of language learning. In this section, it will be argued that although these two components are equally necessary, there are three elements that may influence focus on them. The first element to consider is learner goals. It is suggested that many ESL teachers facilitate their students to develop communicative competence to really use the language for authentic purpose. Nonetheless, what students learn from the teacher may not be the outcome that the teacher supposes them to acquire. For example, if Thai children learn English in a rural Thai village, the outcome of language achievement may not all be positive. This is because these children do not need to use English as a tool in their daily life. In contrast, if Thai children learn English in order to sell products to foreigners, then there may be concern about a purpose for communicative competence. Moreover, if they want to pursue higher education in England, accuracy needs to be focused in language learning. Therefore, it seems that the need for accuracy and fluency relates to what goals learners want to achieve. It is considered that learner variables are also a key element which influences the focus on accuracy or fluency. According to Celce-Murcia (1985), a strategy guideline is provided to assist teachers in determining what degree they ought to focus on form in their own classes. In his study, learner variables include age, proficiency level and educational background. It is noted that every individual learns in different ways. Compared with adolescents and adults, young children seem to be more holistic in learning a concept instead of doing apparent analysis. This is because they are too young to analyse the structure of a language. Therefore, if young ESL learners are taught, it is most likely that little grammar instruction is needed. However, if the students are adolescents or adults, focusing on form may be more important. It is also suggested that education level is relevant to focus on accuracy or fluency. This is because teaching learners with preliterate level differs from teaching ones with literate level. If adults are at the level of beginners with little formal education, then focusing on form will be less important while fluency is the top priority. On the other hand, if the learners are at the intermediate or advanced level and are well educated, accuracy may be required and it may be necessary for the teacher to provide some feedback relating to form correction in order for them to make progress. Therefore, focusing on accuracy is not enough, fluency still needs to be concerned in terms of learners age, proficiency level and educational background. Moreover, instructional variables can be seen as the third element, which includes skill, register and need. It is suggested that the need of focus on accuracy and fluency also changes according to the purpose of the instruction. For instance, according to Celce-Murcia (1985), when the teacher is teaching receptive skills, such as listening or reading, the emphasis on form will be less important, since these skills require competence primarily in word recognition. Nevertheless, this does not mean accuracy can be neglected, because when knowing grammatical structure, learners can build up logical connection between sentences, which facilitates both listening and reading comprehension. On the other hand, if the teacher is focusing on productive skills, such as speaking and writing, then formal accuracy will become an essential concern. In addition, it has to be remembered that fluency is still needed for communication purpose. This is because if the teacher is offering a conversation class which purpose is for learners to really use the language to communicate with others, then fluency will be emphasized. Furthermore, if the learners immediate need is survival communication, formal accuracy is less focused. On the other hand, if the learner wants to use the language in a professional field, such as writing an academic essay or being a diplomat, then a high degree of formal accuracy is essential. The higher the stakes, the more likely that accuracy will be important (Eskey, 1983: 318). Therefore, it is clear that both accuracy and fluency are needed and whether focusing on accuracy or fluency depends on learner needs and course objectives. Approaches of finding balance between accuracy and fluency a) Course design and needs assessment Based on these three elements mentioned above, it is suggested that teachers should find the right balance between accuracy and fluency. Eskey (1983) argues that: Teachers must be prepared to deal with students who know grammar rules but can not speak the language fluently; likewise, they must also be prepared to deal with students who are fluent but not accurate (Eskey, 1983). In order to balance accuracy and fluency in language learning and teaching, it is suggested that both these components need to be taught in the process of learning situation. Thus, in this section, it will suggest methods of keeping a balance between accuracy and fluency in term of course design and needs assessment. It has been argued that many language learners have learned grammar rules, but when they want to express themselves, they do not have enough authentic experience of using languages (Celce-Murcia, 1985). Such result may be due to the fact that teaching materials does not provide learners with the context relevant to the communicative situation. In order to solve this problem, Celce-Murcia (1985) suggests an integrating grammar instruction into a communicative curriculum providing purposeful task-based discourse samples. For example, for the general purpose language learners, their beginning level course may start with teaching grammar-meaning correspondences, such as present tense versus past tense. By giving the time frame, students can easily distinguish the difference between these two tenses. After that, students are then taught grammar-function correspondences, such as the tone of must is stronger than need to. As soon as these two basic levels have been established, the teacher can offer discourse-level grammar, such as use of conjunctions. In this case, students not only acquire the grammar rules which focus on accuracy but also apply it for purposeful discourse which focuses on fluency. By this course designed to integrate form, meaning and content, it is possible for learners to balance accuracy and fluency in the communication (Celce-Murcia, 1985). However, there is a simple question about why learners need to balance accuracy and fluency. The answer to this question relates to English for specific purpose (ESP). According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987), courses should be designed to meet learners needs. This may suggest that language teachers should note which learners need more attention on accuracy or fluency. To achieve this goal, for instance, teachers need to gather information about learners needs on accuracy and fluency and identify their target situation by using questionnaires, interviews, observation and informal consultations with learners before a course. Having done this, teachers analyse strategies required to cope in target situation, and then create syllabus which is a document saying which aspect needs more effort on accuracy or fluency. After that, select and design materials to focus on these strategies in syllabus. Finally, after teaching the materials, teachers establish evaluation procedures to test lear ners acquisition of accuracy and fluency (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). b) Evaluation and feedback In this section, it will be argued that course design and needs assessment are not enough. The evaluation and feedback afterwards from learners can also help teachers find the right balance between accuracy and fluency. Evaluation can be defined as a whole process of action which begins with decision of information gathering and ends with change in current courses or influence on future ones (Dudley-Evans and St John, 1998). According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 145), an ESP course, after all, is supposed to be successful. This is because it is designed for particular learners to achieve particular objective with language level of accuracy and fluency. There are two levels of evaluation. The first one is learner assessment. Students performance is assessed at strategic points, such as at the beginning and at the end of the course. This is because ESP concerns with the necessary skills for particular learners to carry out communicative tasks. This kind of assessment enables teachers to determine how much focus on accuracy and fluency is needed (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). As ESP teachers, they need to consider if the objectives are too ambitious for learners. If so, the learners initial language competence may be overestimated. For example, a teacher designs a syllabus by analysing students needs. Students are expected to present written work and make an oral presentation in accurate English. After teaching, the teacher may find that serious weakness in grammar leads to unclearness of students oral presentation. Although the course contains the objectives of achieving certain level of accuracy and fluency, perhaps students achieve more on either one of them, and then students will require more specific help by teaching both accuracy and fluency used in the context relevant to their needs. The second one is course evaluation by learners. This helps teachers to demonstrate how well the course actually meets a particular educational aim. Therefore, evaluation not only reflects learners performance on accuracy and fluency during the process of learning but also shows how effective students feel the course was. In this case, if they feel the ESP course fails to meet their goal, then there must be something wrong with course design or methodology. It is therefore clear that both learner and course evaluation have a similar function in providing feedback on the ESP course (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). Moreover, the feedback of the learning outcome is essential not only for students but also for teachers. This is because feedback reflects students learning achievement on accuracy and fluency and the effectiveness of teaching. Therefore, how to evaluate learning and teaching to obtain feedback is important to teachers. In order to find the balance between accuracy and fluency, evaluation and feedback are essential not only at the beginning of the course but also after the instruction. Conclusion In conclusion, although accuracy has been emphasised by many language students, as the three sections mentioned above, it can clearly be seen that both accuracy and fluency are important at different needs for different people of different priorities. Despite the fact that some arguments show that accuracy is essential for learners to acquire linguistic form to produce the language, this is not enough. Fluency is still needed considering the language implementation in an authentic environment. This essay has suggested that both accuracy and fluency are needed in second language acquisition. Whether to focus more on accuracy or fluency depends on learners needs and course objectives. Therefore, language teachers can find the right balance of accuracy and fluency by using an ESP approach to design courses relevant to the needs and objectives. Thus, these courses can maximise the effects of teaching and learning through evaluation and feedback. Although ESP can solve this problem, teachers ability to design the course should be taken into consideration. Therefore, it is suggested that teacher training program is certainly necessary and the real development may be made in the future.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Motivating Students in Writing Curriculum Essay -- English Writing Tea

Being an effective Instructor of Composition at the community college level requires a variety of skills and talents, many of which simply can’t be taught in formal classroom settings. Facing constant pressure to make judgments that have weighty consequences is just one of the challenges of teaching writing. A writing teacher who is too strict or inflexible can give students the excuse they may be seeking to withdraw or not perform in class. Some students are only too eager to proclaim that they can’t possibly meet high standards in writing, so there is â€Å"no use in even trying.† Putting stringent rules in place for a writing class does not necessarily provide an atmosphere that will foster successful student writing. But being lenient and making exceptions to policies can give a teacher the reputation of being one who can be manipulated or worse yet, â€Å"easy.† How do teachers of writing negotiate these obstacles and still manage to convince students to produce quality writing not only in their classes but across the curriculum as well? How do teachers of writing fulfill an obligation to students, and provide them with a basis of knowledge and the writing experience to prepare them for the next semester of writing instruction while still being understanding and compassionate? There is a fine line between expecting students to do their best work and knowing when to allow them some room for the extraordinarily difficult situations in which many of them find themselves. This is one aspect of the job that very few veteran teachers speak of to laypersons. And yet this is a very real problem teachers of writing face every day. How do we find a way to be compassionate and fair without compromising the morals and character of the teache... ...nd working in a broken society---to the complicated and thoroughly nontraditional lives being led by most of our students, regardless of age or background, to the unavoidably and increasingly personal interaction that takes place with our students, to issues of trust and ethical responsibilities. (325) It is as if Dan Morgan has been observing my classroom and reading my mind. Students are depending on writing teachers to be fair and ethical no matter how much the students attempt to bulge or dilate the traditional boundaries of a student/teacher dichotomy. The ability of our students to develop as writers could very well depend on our willingness to rise to the challenge of meeting the complex demands that are being made on teachers of writing. Works Cited Morgan, Dan. â€Å"Ethical Issues Raised By Students’ Personal Writing.† College English 60 (1998): 318-325. Motivating Students in Writing Curriculum Essay -- English Writing Tea Being an effective Instructor of Composition at the community college level requires a variety of skills and talents, many of which simply can’t be taught in formal classroom settings. Facing constant pressure to make judgments that have weighty consequences is just one of the challenges of teaching writing. A writing teacher who is too strict or inflexible can give students the excuse they may be seeking to withdraw or not perform in class. Some students are only too eager to proclaim that they can’t possibly meet high standards in writing, so there is â€Å"no use in even trying.† Putting stringent rules in place for a writing class does not necessarily provide an atmosphere that will foster successful student writing. But being lenient and making exceptions to policies can give a teacher the reputation of being one who can be manipulated or worse yet, â€Å"easy.† How do teachers of writing negotiate these obstacles and still manage to convince students to produce quality writing not only in their classes but across the curriculum as well? How do teachers of writing fulfill an obligation to students, and provide them with a basis of knowledge and the writing experience to prepare them for the next semester of writing instruction while still being understanding and compassionate? There is a fine line between expecting students to do their best work and knowing when to allow them some room for the extraordinarily difficult situations in which many of them find themselves. This is one aspect of the job that very few veteran teachers speak of to laypersons. And yet this is a very real problem teachers of writing face every day. How do we find a way to be compassionate and fair without compromising the morals and character of the teache... ...nd working in a broken society---to the complicated and thoroughly nontraditional lives being led by most of our students, regardless of age or background, to the unavoidably and increasingly personal interaction that takes place with our students, to issues of trust and ethical responsibilities. (325) It is as if Dan Morgan has been observing my classroom and reading my mind. Students are depending on writing teachers to be fair and ethical no matter how much the students attempt to bulge or dilate the traditional boundaries of a student/teacher dichotomy. The ability of our students to develop as writers could very well depend on our willingness to rise to the challenge of meeting the complex demands that are being made on teachers of writing. Works Cited Morgan, Dan. â€Å"Ethical Issues Raised By Students’ Personal Writing.† College English 60 (1998): 318-325.